The Nanzenji Temple is a Zen Buddhist Temple built in the Heian Period (794-1185) at the foot of Kyoto's Higashi-yama. In 1611, a new Zen garden called The Leaping Tiger was made which is now a famous "karesansui," (the rock and gravel style). There a re two gardens in the area, one is outisde the main monastery which is used as a back drop for the Tea Ceremony Hall inside the monastery. Imagine being inside a Tea Ceremony hall with a view of the greeneries of the outside garden. On the other hand, you can enjoy the second garden, which is the Leaping Tiger, while seating on the sidelines of the temple.
Tags: Temple, Zen Garden, NanzenjiTemple, Kyoto, nanzenjitemplejapan, nanzenjitempleinkyoto, NanzenjiTempleTeaCeremonyHall, zen buddhist temple, heian period, higashi yama, the leaping tiger, karasansui, monastery
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