One of the steepest road you can drive is the Eshima Ohashi Bridge - dubbed the roller coaster bridge. It's located in Sakaiminato, Matsue that is near north of Hiroshima and Okayama. The bridge features a 5.1 gradient on the Tottori side and 6.1 percent gradient in the Shimane side. It measures 1.44 km long and 11.3 meters in width and spans Lake Nakaumi. For info, gradient refers to the inclined part of a railway or road. In other words, it's called a slope.
The bridge is so steep that ships can pass underneath with ease. Widely circulating photos on the internet show the bridge side steepness that seems to be too difficult to a motorist to cross the bridge, but such steepness photo is due to being viewed far from the bridge side. In reality the bridge's steepness slowly ascents. Vehicles that weights beyond 14 tons are not permitted to cross the bridge.
Location: See Map
Tags: Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Steep Bridge, Roads, Highways, Japanese bridge, roller coaster bridges
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