Are you looking for other spots to go to in Japan, aside from the urban maze, temples and shrines? It seems like Kanagawa prefecture just had the place for you.
The Nihon Minkaen Open Air Museum provides a walking tour and visual and touch experiences of some of the old houses that were being maintained in the area. Locate in the city of Kawasaki, in Tama Ward, Kanagawa, the museum has been preserving 25 Edo period buildings, which were all gathered from different parts of Japan. Here, one can have a good photograph of traditional farmhouse from Shirakawago. There are also samurai houses and merchant houses that can be found in the musuem.
Photo by hashi photo. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Architecture, NihonMinka-en, Kawasaki, Japan, Folkhouse, Openair, Ancient, Historic, kanagawa, nihon minkaen open air museum, kawasaki, tama ward, edo period, farmhouses from shirakawago, samurai houses, merchant houses
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