Murouji Temple is a Buddhist Temple located in Uda City in Nara Prefecture. Many of the temples in the area are a hundred years old. The temple's area is considered as a holy place since Emperor Kammu's health of the 8th century was significantly restored when priests performed a ritual in the said area.
Muroji has also been acknowledged as the temple that permits both genders in to the temple whereas the Koyasan Temple only allowed men as visitors back in the day.
One of the oldest pagods in Japan can also be found in the area. A few stairwell steps would lead you to the pagoda which has just been renovated recently since it suffered typhoon damage.
The temple is open daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with an admission fee of 600 yen.
Tags: Temple, MuroujiTemple, Uda, murojitemplenara, murojitemplejapan, JapaneseTemplre, BuddhistTemple, KoboDaishiKukai, buddhist temple, uda city, nara prefecture, emperor kammu, muroji, koyasan temple, pagoda, japan
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