Located in the the small town of Futami in the city of Ise, the Meoto Iwa are just as romantic and sacred as the rising sun. Situated in the Mie Prefecture, the two rocks are said to represent the holy marriage of the great Izanagi and Izanami, from whom the island of Japan are born. The bigger of the rocks are said to be Izanagi, the husband, and the smaller is Izanami, the mother of the Japanese islands. The rocks are joined by the sacred shimenawa rope, which is replaced three times a year to retain its purity. The rope is said to be the visible division between the spiritual world and the Earth.
Phto by Jennie Kondo (Jennie Valdivieso Kondo - Grialte). Licensed under Creative Commons. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en)
Tags: futami, city of ise, meoto iwa, mie prefecture, izanagi, izanami, mother of japan, shimenawa rope, spiritual world, earth
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