Kushida Shrine, also known as O-Kushida-San, is a Shinto Shrine located in Fukuoka city. It is considered to be the most important shrine in the area,very popular to its residents, and rich in history.
It was founded in the year 757 and it is where the 700-year old festival "Hakata Gion Yamasaka" is held from early to mid-July.
Various gates can be found in the vicinity that would lead to the shrine. The entrance to the shrine offers nothing less of a good view as it is surrounded by ponds and different trees. There are a lot of activities you can try at the shrine like have your strength be tested by lifting large stones called the "Chikara Ishi" or have a taste and drink well water or have fun by passing through the mouth of the largest otafuku in Japan.
Tags: Architecture, Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka, O Kushida San, Hakata Gion Yamasaka, City shrine, Hakata, TRAVEL, Japan, chikara ishi, otafuku
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