Said to be a more peaceful temple than other temples in Kyoto Prefecture, or what they call "old Japan," the Honen-in Temple is a must-visit for travelers seeking pure tranquility in temples. Located near more popular destinations like the Ginkakuji or the Silver Pavilion and the Philosopher's Path, the temple is guarded by the god Amida, the Japanese name of the Amitabha Buddha, the principal Buddha in the Pure Land branch of Buddhism. The temple is built to honore the great monk Honen, who is the founder of the Jodo-shu Buddhist school, which focuses on Pure Land Buddhism and the teachings of Amida.
Photo by David Baron. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Temple, Honen-in, Philospher'sPath, Japan, NicePedestrian, BigMapleTrees, Mounds, SakuraTrees, FreshAir, kyoto prfecture, old japan, honen-in temple, ginkakuji, silver pavilion, philosopher's path, amida, amitabha buddha, principal buddha, pure land branch of buddhism, jodo shu buddhist school
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