Zoomadanke’s Takeshi Kodama, also known as “Kodaman,” and Hiroki Iijima, recognized as “Easy,” are hailed in the world of kendama playing. Kendama is a traditional Japanese toy, similar to the one used in a cup-and-ball game. The principle of this toy is to catch one object with another, where both are joined by a string. The duo’s performance fully-redefined the traditional wooded toy.
The team “Zoomadanke” is a professional kendama performer, formed last December 2010. It was composed of two men who enjoyed kendama so much and ended up making it as their career. The Zoomadanke performs tricks using the kendama with a combination of smooth, graceful and sharp movements using hip-hop, beatbox and even traditional Japanese music. Their duo was recognized as unique and entertaining because of how their movements were synchronized with each other.
Tags: sports, kendama, japan, traditional japanese toy, bilboquet, bil, boquet, france, edo peiod, kendama comptition
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