Japanese art has never run out of style, and maybe will never be.
This magnificent teapot is actually a kind of kutani-yaki pottery. This art includes overglaze painting on porcelain. But this technique was actually just part of the second wave of the craft, starting around 1804. During the time, the technique of overglaze painting was actually implemented to help the kamamoto or production potters of Kanazawa, Komatsu, Kaga, and Nomi in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. This wave of potteries were called Saiko-kutani.
The old kutani, or the ko-kutani, or the first wave started around th 17th to early 18th centuries and used the technique of aote or the use of deep colors of green, yellow, dark blue and purple. It also used iroe or red, green, purple, dark blue and yellow.
Photo by ReijiYamashina . Licensed under Creative Commons. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0.en)
Tags: japanese art, kutani yaki, pottery, saiko kutani, overglaze painting, kanazawa, komatsu, kaga, nomi, ishikawa, ko kutani
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