A colorful parade to advertise their products and attract more customers. This is what the Chindonya tradition is trying to accomplish.
Usually seen on the streets, a typical chindonya troupe is composed of three to five performers, wearing outlandish costumes while hoisting ad banners over their heads as they parade and perform songs and dances.
However, the streets are not the only place where you can find them.
Chindonya troupes also takes on the center stage to participate in the All Japan Chindon Contest, regularly held in Toyama, and is the one and only contest in Japan that gathers the best Chindon performers in one place.
Featuring what probably are the flashiest costumes, the most cheerful echoing sounds of drums and gongs, and the most explosive eruption of mirth from its viewers—the contest brings together around 30 groups and a hundred Chindonmen from all over Japan.
The competition is annually held during springtime, which spans up to three days when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom along the Matsu River with a crowd of onlookers lined up to witness the event.
Tags: chindonya, all japan chindon contest, toyama prefecture, chindonmen, sprintime
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