In Omi-hachiman, Shiga Prefecture lies one of Japan's three most dangerous festivals ever staged.
Sagicho Matsuri is probably one of the noisiest, most colorful, dangerous, adrenaline-driven, and even drunken weekend-long festival one could ever witness at the Land of the Rising Sun. All of the 13 districts in Omi-Hachiman participate in the annual gathering, with their gigantic floats which they spent months building. Then in just a weekend, they will be competing against each other, bludgeoning them, until they win and finally, get burned.
And by the time of the burning of their floats, everyone dances in their grandiose selves.
Tags: TRADITION, Japan, Omi-hachiman, Shiga Prefecture, fire, festival, fire festival, Sagucho Matsuri
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