If it's always been your dream to be a ninja, don't throw it away just yet because a ninja team in one of Japan's largest cities needs new members. No Japanese fluency nor citizenship is required. Hattori Hanzo and the Ninjas, otherwise known as the Hattori Hanzo Ninja Squad, is a group created to promote tourism in the city of Nagoya. The group’s members can often be seen performing acrobatics and weaponry display shows regularly at the Nagoya castle. They also act as a guide as they show the way around the Nagoya Castle and Chubu Airport for visitors. BONUS: they even teach you how to throw shuriken (throwing stars).
Their mission is bring the legends of the ninjas back to life. So come on, you might just be who they're looking for.
Photo by KAMUI. Licensed under Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en).
Tags: tradition, Ninja, Hattori Hanzo and the Ninjas, Hattori Hanzo Ninja Squad, Nagoya Castle, Japan job opening
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