Some technologies are common or can be found only in Japan. Be Amazed, a popular youtube lists these top 20 Japanese inventions.
1. Motorcycle helmet for Long-haired Females and Males
2. Diagonal crossing path
3. Silent karaoke microphone
4. Automated Stores
5. Butter Grater
6. Tie Wallet
7. Braille and easy to open beverage cans
8. Vending machines for everything
9. Capsule hotels
10. Parking lot for umbrellas
11. Remote control mop
12. Sound catcher pillow
13. Sink built into the toilet
14. Sauce packets
15. Ear wax remover
16. Moveable train seats
17. Ukihashi chopsticks
18. Spa on train
19. Umbrella tie
20. Automated hotels
June 21, 2022
June 03, 2022
May 24, 2022
May 11, 2022
April 26, 2022
March 29, 2022