This is truly a sign that times have changed. In Japan, sumo is an ancient sport from the 16th century that deals with two huge humans, trying to push each other out from the ring. Now, there are these sumobots. These are miniature robots that fight each other, attempting to push each other out of a circle. This sport is called robot-sumo or pepe-sumo.
The sumobots are completely autonomous, and not remote-controlled. Each robot is pre-programmed to find its opponent through infrared or ultra-sonic sensors. These then push it out of the arena without leaving the ring. That means they must also be engineered with a sensor that detects the edge. Instead of the slow and graceful dance of sumo wrestlers, sumobots are engineered to attack with lightning-fast speed and instant decision-making.
The sumobots are classified simply on size and weight. Based on these developments, Japan is truly a place where the past and future meet.
Photo by NAIT. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Technology, sumobots, robot-sumo, pepe-sumo, robot, sumo wrestlers, sumo robot, engineering
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