A Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa 2 reached a diamond-shaped asteroid named Ryugu that is a half-mile wide. The probe will try to scoop a sample from the rock specimens and after a brief landing, Hayabusa 2 will return to earth carrying the sample enclosed inside the canister. Hayabusa 2 will reenter the Earth through a parachute-assisted land in December 2020 in South Australia. Asteroid Ryugu and the spacecraft are currently located 285 kilometers or (177 miles) from Earth.
The project manager of Hayabusa 2 Yuichi Tsuda from Japanese Exploration Agency (JAXA) told that the shaped of the asteroid has been finally revieled and that is rocks, craters and other geographical features are now visible. Scientists and Engineers at control in Sagamihara, Japan controls and guides the spaceprobe.
Tags: space probe, hayabusa 2, asteroid, ryugu, japanese, technology, JAXA, japanese spacecraft, japanese spaceprobe, spaceprobe
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