Another record-breaker, Kenichi Ito, wowed the world for being the fastest person to run a 100-meter on all fours. He started in the year 2008 where he managed to run for 18. 50 seconds. Followed by 17.47 seconds in 2012 and in 2013 for 16.87 seconds. In 2014, the title was taken away by Katsumi Tamakoshi who was able to beat his record by finishing the 100 meters in just 15.86 seconds. Ito was able to get the title back this year by running again and finishing it in just 15.71 seconds. He is now known as the "monkey man" for doing this kind of sprint and trying to beat the record almost every year.
Tags: sports, kenichi ito, fastest 100m running on all four, record breaker, katsumi tamakoshi, monkey man, tokyo, sprint 15.71 seconds
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