The most awaited wrestling match of 2017 is between KUSHIDA and BUSHI, both professionals competing to represent Japan in the Pro-Wrestling World Cup.
It opened with audiences cheering and hyping for KUSHIDA’s win.
They brawled around the ring to start. KUSHIDA hit a drop toe hold on BUSHI into a chair, kicked him, wrapped his shirt on top of his head, and hit a running dropkick. BUSHI gained revenge by grabbing KUSHIDA and slamming him down on the apron head first.
KUSHIDA caught BUSHI on the top rope with a springboard and tried for an armbar, ultimately succeeding. A hot back and forth ensued, with BUSHI getting the better after a Canadian Destroyer. He landed the MX, but KUSHIDA kicked out. He went for another, but KUSHIDA came back and nailed a Codebreaker of his own.
The brawl went on for a while until KUSHIDA ends the match with his brainbuster, securing his win.
Tags: pro-wrestling, world cup, bushida, bushi
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