Superhuman Sports Society, a Tokyo-based group of researchers and game designers created 12 new sports which they dubbed as "Superhuman Sports" since 2015. It aims to develop new sports by using a new technology which includes bubble jumper, oni chip in, hover-crosse, carry otto and hado.
In the bubble jumper, two people are wrapped in air-filled vinyl bubble protectors. They were jumping stilts on their legs and must knock the opponent by using sumo-like body blows. In Oni chip in, players launch themselves into a goal while wearing the bubble protectors. In Hover crosse, the players ride a hover and must carry a ball in a stick with a cup to place them on goal posts, while trying to knock down the opponent to the ground.
Tags: sports, superhuman sports society, bubble jumper, oni chip in, hover crosse, carry otto, hado, sumo like, vinyle bubble protectors
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