Felix, a German crossfit athlete Felix was given the challenge to learn a series of Okinawan karate moves which are basic yet intricate. The moves will be taught by Uema Sensei, a strict Okinawan karate master for 39 years. To spice up the challenge, Felix has to learn all the movements within 2 hours and be able to teach his fellow travellers the exact same moves. Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture which is made up of 150 islands. It may be known for its tropical climate and beautiful sceneries by the beach, it is also where the martial art, Karate, was initially developed, particulary in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the early 20th century.
Tags: sports, Karate, martial arts, Okinawa, Uema Sensei, Karate master, Felix, Okinawan Karate, Ryukyu Kingdom
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