Aikido is the most peaceful martial art. Aikido roughly translates as: the way of harmonious spirit. More than seizing your opponent, aikido focuses on harmonizing with your opponent to bring peaceful resolutions to situations involving conflict. It was founded by Morihei Ueshiba, the O Sensei or Great Teacher.
On a physical front, aikido techniques usually involve turning movements, throwing, joint-locking, striking and pinning. More than that, it is about harnessing your energy to throw your opponent off balance. The sport places great emphasis on motion and the dynamics of movement. It is a martial art made not only for self-defense, but ultimately for peace of mind and spiritual enlightenment.
Photo by Magyar Balázs. Licensed under Creative Commons.
Tags: Sports, Aikido, martial art, Morihei Ueshiba, O Sensei, Great Teacher, aikido techniques, self-defense, peace of mind
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