The Japanese giant salamander lives in southern Japan. It is called Osanshouo by the Japanese, which means "giant pepper fish". This species is the second largest salamander in the world. They can grow up to 5 ft. long and weigh 25 kg. Unlike other species of salamander, the osanshouo do not have gills and need to raise their heads to the surface to breathe. When threatened, they release a strong smelling odor that smells like Japanese pepper.
They are not called "giant" for no reason. These Southern Japan lizards can grow up to five feet long (160cm) and weigh up to 55 pounds (25kgs). Their skin can blend against their habitat and this camouflage serves as their protection.
Photo by Marshal Hedin. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Animals, Giant Salamander, Osanshouo, Souther Japan, Giant pepper fish, Salamander, Osanshouo grow 5 ft., Salamander's gills, Salamander's strong smelling odor, Japanese pepper, others
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