The Nihon Teria or the Japanese Terrier is a breed that is originally from Japan. Also known as the the Nippon Terrier, they are known to have a black head and white body. They are just small dogs that grow to just around 8 to 13 inches tall on the shoulders. Being small dogs, they are also light enough to be carried around, growing to a maximum of 9 pounds. The dog actually has a DNA strain of the Dutch Boerenfox or the Dutch Terrier, the Fox Terrier of England and the German Pinscher of Germany. It was believed that the ancestor of the Nihon Teria was brought to Japan by Dutch merchants through the port of Nagasaki.
Photo by Pawel Gasiorski. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Animals, Dog, Terrier, Japan, Japaneseterrier, Dogwhitebody, dogblackcoloredhead, Cutedog, Petdog, Puppy, nihon teria, animal, japanese terrier, japan, nippon terrier, black head white body, DNA strain, dutch boerenfox, dutch terrier, fox terrier, england, german pinscher, germany, nagasaki, dutch merchants
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