Carps are actually a breed of fish orginating from Central Europe and Asia. But what started in Japan are the colored kois, or more specifically known as the nishikigoi. Inistially, the carp was bred for color mutation in China which led to the goldfish. The art of koi color breeding has been brought to Japan in the 1820s. The initial breeding took place in the town of Ojiya in the Niigata prefecture. located on the northeastern coast of Honshu island. But it was only in 1914 when this art has been released to the world. It was the time when the Niigata koi was exhibited in Tokyo.
Photo by Stan Shebs. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Animals, Fish, Koifish, Japan, Japanesekoifish, aquaticpet, koishow, uniquefish, koifishaquarium, koifishbowl, fish breed, centarl europe, asia, nishikigoi, koi, japanese carp, japan, ojiya, niigata prefecture, niigata koi, tokyo exhibition
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