Do you know your Internet?
Internet language changes every day -- as quickly as a push of a button -- so it's essential that we, millenials, brush up on our vocabulary regularly. That language check isn't just limited to English. In fact, Japan has its own set of Internet slang used to slay people over the World Wide Web. You don't need to worry about the amount of homework you've gotta catch up on 'cause we've got you covered.
Here are some of the few:
MESHITERO: food terrorist; killing someone through hunger by sending amazing pictures of food
GGRKS: google it, you dummy; used when someone asks a really obvious question
OTSU: thank you for your hard work or good job!
NIHONGE DE OK: it's okay to say it in Japanese; when you can't understand what people are saying
So better fire up your social media and you're good to go!
Tags: Others, Japan, internet slang, millenial, vocabulary, nihongo, rachel, jun
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