Devil may cry (デビル メイ クライ Debiru Mei Kurai) is a story about Dante's extermination against demons to avenge his mother's murder. On the course of his encounters with the diabolic beings, he encountered Vergil, his brother whom he taught was dead. His brother was corrupted because of Mundus, the demon emperor who is also responsible for killing Dante's mother. Later in the game, he pursues Mundus in the underworld where Trish, a demoness creation of Mundus, sacrificed herself to save Dante from the lightning sent by the Demon Lord Mundus. Before going to the underworld, Dante was taken to the Mallet island by Trish where the Demon Lord is trying to open a portal in the underworld into the human world. Trish was created by Mundus to lure Dante in order to kill him.
Devil may cry was developed by the Japanese video game maker CAPCOM and made by Hideki Kamiya.
Tags: capcom, capcom games, fantasy video games, demon video games, capcom franchises, devil may cry, action adventure games
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