Made by Keiji Inafune and developed by Capcom, Dead Rising is a survival horror where humans fight and struggle to survive against the horde of flesh and brain-eating zombies and the adversity of harsh and desolate environment. The story goes when a freelance photographer, Frank West, ventured into the town of Willamette, (a fictional town) in Colorado.
He wonders why the place has been sealed off by the national guard. The town's mall was infested by semi-dead beings or zombies that want nothing but munch the living they could find. Franks asked to be dropped in the Willamette Parkview mall to investigate some sinister happenings. Throughout the three days of staying in the mall, he investigates what's behind the outbreak, take photographs, rescue survivors, solve problems and fight enemies.
Photo by Bago Games
Under license by Creative Commons
Tags: dead rising, capcom games, open world video games, japanese games, zombie video games, survival horror games, IOS games, horror video games
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