Known as the Amami rabbit or the Amamino Kuro Usagi, is a specie of rabbit endemic to the Amami Oshima and Toku no Shima. These two are islands found in the Amami archipelago. Though territorially part of Kagoshima Prefecture, the islands are closer to Okinawa, just south of the Kyushu region. The specie are said to be primitive. In fact, they are called living fossils, believed to have been the survivors of the dark-furred rabbits which originally resided in the Asian mainland. The population of the amami usagi had significantly declined making the Japanese government declare it as a "natural monument" in 1921. This prevented further hunting of the rabbits.
Photo by Momotarou2012. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: Animals, Rabbits, Amaminokurousagi, Japan, Japanesenationalmonument, amamirabbit, hare, mioceceepoch, amami rabbit, amamino kuro usagi, amami oshima, toku no shima, kagoshima prefecture, okinawa, kyushu, asian mainland, natural monument
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