If not for the idol group, Kanjani Eight, Sayuri wouldn't have started her career in the Japanese music industry. Because of her idols, she started learning the guitar in 6th grade. When she reached her second year of junior high school, she began composing her own music, getting ideas of course from Kanjani Eight.
Not long after, she became part of LONGTAL, an acoustic duo from Fukuoka.
In 2012, Sayuri was granted the Grand Prix award from the 5th Music Revolution, which was an event sponsored by Yamaha Music. That jumpstarted her career as an indie artist.
From there until now, she has already collaborated with RADWIMPS and My First Story.
Photo by Cydwæise. Licensed under Creative Commons.
Tags: sayuri, music, japanese music industry, music industry, kanjani eight, kanjani8, longtal, grand prix, yamaha music, radwimps, my first story, yamaha
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