Starting out in 2010, this band who made a name by having their song in the latest Bleach live action movie actually didn't have [Alexandros] as their name before. The four-man band began their career with the name, [Champagne]. They changed their name in 2014.
The band has released 6 albums to date, with the latest one, entitled "Exist!", peaking the charts. They have also released 6 DVDs so far.
Their singles used in the Bleach movie are entitled, "Mosquito Bite" and "Milk."
The band is composed of Yoohei Kawakami (vocals, guitar), Hiroyuki Isobe (bass), Masaki Shirai (guitar) and Satoyasu Shomura (drums).
Tags: alexandros, bleach, champagne, exist, dvd, mosquito bite, milk, bleac, bleach live action, live action movie, movie
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