White strawberries or are another curiosity and staple fruit in Japan. Named as a white jewel, pineberry or Shiroi Houseki, white strawberries are the most expensive and rarest. it was grown by Yasuhito Teshima at his farm in Saga prefecture. He spent years breeding strawberries that are both white inside and outside. The technique behind the white fruit is that it has been grown in reduced sunlight exposure and thus reduced anthocyanin levels which cause the red in fruits and some vegetables.
There are some white strawberries grown in other parts of the country but Teshima claimed that his berries are whiter and bigger than the competitors. Priced at $40 per pack or $10 apiece, white strawberries are one of the most expensive fruits. John Daub, an expat in Japan, told that the white strawberry tastes like pineapple.
Tags: white strawberry, strawberry, fruits, fruit, japan, japanese fruits, weird fruits, oddity
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