Japan has really been fond of mixing different ingredients with known brands to make it their own. In June 8, 2009, a truly-Japan flavor of the world-famous soda drink, Coca-cola, was released. The drink had been mixed with catechins, the antioxidants present in green tea. The catechines did not do much about the taste of your favorite soda. There was just an after taste of matcha upon each massive gulp. These catechins also made the coke "healthier." The cola company said that it aimed for health-conscious women, upon the release of the product.
Photo by Xfigpower (Thanks Antoine). Licensed under Creative Commons. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en)
Tags: drink, coca cola, coke, soda, cola, japan, coca cola with green tea, matcha, catechins, healty cola
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