Why do the Japanese look so kawaii in their selfies? Cathy Cat asked Japanese women what their selfie secrets are.
1. Hold your phone upright with your ring finger and index finger while your middle finger supports the back of your phone. And, of course, use your thumb to press the shutter.
2. Take selfies from a high angle in a diagonal position. When your phone is positioned above you and in a diagonal position, your face seems to look smaller in the selfie!
3. FILTERS! Who doesn't enjoy those beautifying filter apps, right?
4. Stand in the back of your friends during a group selfie. Try to avoid taking the selfie yourself since your face will be the closest one to the camera. Hence, having a bigger looking face.
These are only some of the selfie techniques shared by the Japanese girls.
Tags: fashion, selfie, Cathy Cat, kawaii, filter app, selfie secrets, selfie techniques
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