A straighthening hair iron that's not hot at all. Welcome to a Japanese hair salon.
In this video by Rachel and Jun's Adventure, Rachel, for the first time, went to a salon to get treatment for her hair. She said that it has been Jun who has always cut her hair.
Here in a salon in Omotesando, Harajuku, Rachel's hair was cut at around 10 centimeters. It then underwent ultrasonic treatment and the special hair iron. After some blowdrying, Rachel's hair looked just like a commercial model artist.
The place is ideal for foreigners who are fond of fashionable hair trends because the salon has English-speaking accommodating staff.
Tags: fashion, rachel and jun, hair salon, omotesando, harajuku, commercial model, ultrasonic treatment, hair iron, straighthening hair iron, english speakig staff
September 16, 2019
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