DRWCYS pronounced as Droshi's is an apparel company that was developed by IBF.M. It was established in 2008. The brand makes clothes for 20-30 year old women. Their creations are mostly casual and bohemian style. DRWCYS collection featured on the 22nd Tokyo Girl's Collection 2016 are composed of long dresses or pantsuits in both pastel and dark colors.
Watch this video and see how TGC models, Karina, Nyunatsu, Iran, Moekaoru Nosaki, Rena Mama, Manami Teramoto, ALEXA, Aiko SenEmi, Melody Yoko and Nakamura Anne slay on the the runway!
Tags: fashion, DRWCYS, droshis, casual, bohemian, tokyo girls collection, tgc, karina, nakamura anne, melody yoko
September 16, 2019
May 24, 2019
May 17, 2019
May 17, 2019
May 10, 2019
May 03, 2019
April 12, 2019
March 22, 2019