Takasaki Wild Monkey Park is located in the base of Mt. Takasaki between Beppu and Oita City. This area is a popular home of about 1,500 wild Japanese monkeys who live in a forest slope of the Mt. Takasaki.
The park opened in 1952 with the reason to manage the increasingly growth of local monkey population. The park has no cages that's why the monkeys are free to roam around the park.
Japanese monkeys are stronger than what they look and can be sometimes dangerous. However, these monkeys are attracted to food. This is the reason why the monkeys should not be touched, fed or have direct eye contact. Visitors are can get closer to the monkeys when they are feed by the warden, visitors may also watch them run, eat, play with each other.
The monkeys are divided into two seperate troops with about 700 to 800 monkey in each, one troop for the morning and one troop for the afternoon to be seen by the visitors.
From Central Beppu, take the bus that's numbered AS60 or AS61 (bound for Oita Station) and get off at Takasakiyama-Umitamago.
The park opens at 8:30 to 17:00 It has no closing days The admission fee is 510 Yen