Defining your blood type in Japan is a common way of assessing your temperament and personality. With their popular saying, "you are what you bleed," knowing what your blood type is important as knowing where your address is. If a person asks you what your blood type is, you immediately give them an idea about what kind of person you are. While not everything about it is accurate, surely there’s one trait or two that matches your blood type.
It all began in 1931 when a man named Furukawa Takeji proposed that there’s a link between a person’s blood type and personality. There are lots of argument and questions raised regarding the blood typology as it is in any way not proven scientifically. Still, Japan’s fascination with the blood types have made them classify things according to it.
In baseball, the coach arranges the players card list according to their blood type. In classrooms, teachers categorize the blood types of students and use different teaching techniques depending on the group. There are books, drinks and diets according to one’s blood type and believe it or not, even condoms! There are even morning forecasts of blood types in Japan TV, which is more like the equivalent of daily horoscope forecast in the Western countries.
90% of the Japanese population knows their blood type. About 40% of the population are type A, 30% for Type O, 20% are type B and 10% for type AB.
Want to know what your blood type says about you? See the list below:
1. Type A (The Farmer)
Best Traits:
- Responsible
- Overcautious
- Punctual
- Calm
Worst Traits:
- Sensitive
- Stubborn
- Perfectionist
- Obsessive
2. Type B (The Hunter)
Best Traits:
- Creative
- Flexible
- Optimistic
- Passionate
Worst Traits:
- Unpredictable
- Irresponsible
- Self-centered
- Rule breaker
3. Type AB (The Humanist)
Best Traits:
- Rational
- Organized
- Empathic
- Popular
Worst Traits:
- Unforgiving
- Critical
- Indecisive
- Aloof
4. Type O (The Warrior)
Best Traits:
- Outgoing
- Goal-Oriented
- Ambitious
- Natural Leader
Worst Traits:
- Jealous
- Vain
- Arrogant
- Insensitive
Now that you’ve read about the meaning of your blood type, do you think the traits perfectly describe you?