Japan is definitely the best nation to ride trains. Riding trains in Japan also has similarities in riding trains in other nations. If you are a first timer, you must research your destination well, the starting and arrival stations, and the train transfers, from bullet trains to subways, for example.
Here are the few things to remember when riding trains in Japan:
1. Be time-conscious. The first thing to remember is never be late. The trains won't wait for you. Alot some more time if you still need to buy your ticket at the station.
2. Eating is Prohibited. In Japan, it is not appropriate to eat in the streets while walking-- so No Eating (and drinking) Policy is strictly implemented in stations and inside the trains. Food smell is also the main issue here, and the drinks that can easily spill.
3. Bring your patience. Especially during rush hours. Bring a lot of patience to rushing people who can unintentionally bump into you.
4. Be ready for Train pushers. Train pushers are train officials that are authorized to push people during rush hour to stuff trains. Just in case you encounter some, add more of #3.
5. No one talks on the phones. Unless it is so important, it's actually awkward to take phone calls inside the train. But you can do texting, chatting or anything that do not involve talking and noise. You can also use your mobile phone as guide in riding trains (check out in app stores).
6. Observe "Women Only" Train Wagon. Some are just intended for women, where men are off-limits.
7. Place your bag right. Consider the space your bags can take especially if you carry big luggages. To avoid the crowd, you may also consider riding trains in between rush hour. If you have handcarry bags, place them in front of you.
8. Don't be afraid to ask. Are you feeling lost? Have you been riding the wrong train line? Just say "sumimasen" (excuse me) and someone will be glad to help you.
You're now ready to ride a train in Japan! Have a safe trip!
Photo by Rsa. Licensed under Creative Commons. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en)