Japan has a long history of wars and battles. Even in the ancient times, wars were inevitable and warriors were trained not only to fight but also to kill and slay.
Samurais and ninjas are the two types of warriors during that time which were both feared but looked up to because of their ability to kill. People usually think the two are the same but actually, samurais and ninjas are quite different. Samurais belong to the noble class of the ancient Japanese society. They serve the emperor or high-positioned officials. Ninjas, on the other hand, commonly belongs to the lower class and were known as spies and assassins who are willing to work for anyone who can pay their price.
Their fighting styles are also different. Coming from noble families, samurais usually receive proper training when it comes to fighting. They use spears, bows and arrows, and the most popular among samurais, swords. Samurais also have a code of ethics which they call Bushido. It guides them how to properly fight and face an opponent with honor in every combat. Most ninjas have their own unique fighting styles and more knowledgeable in hand-to-hand combat. Known for their amazing survival skills, ninjas also train for combat for years. They are also experts when it comes to ambush, espionage and even assassinations. Ninjas use whatever weapon they can get and work on it.
Ninjas are often portrayed in movies and animes wearing black outfits. These are used to blend in the dark while they sneak up to their targets. Samurais usually wear the traditional colorful kimonos embedded with symbols. They also use a metal armor during fights and battles.
Ninjas commonly target common people whom they are asked to assassinate. At times, they also target castles and temples and steal from them. Contrary to ninjas, samurais often only act when they are ordered by the emperor or the officials that they serve.
Even with their differences, both warriors are highly regarded in Japan. If you were born in the ancient times, which would you rather be, a Samurai or a Ninja?