Anything cute is already in Japan, especially in the fashion scene. Lolita is the fashion trend: they are the girls who wear the anime-like get-up.
With a nice hairdress, colorful knee-length dress with puffed skirt, bloomers, cute pair of socks or stockings, and mary jane shoes, you are already a certified kawaii lolita! Just imagine being a Victorian era porcelain doll. You have to look like her.
However, the dress that you will be wearing must also reflect your personality. That's the reason why lots and lots of styles have been thought of and sewn to life.
Here are the different types of lolita styles to choose from:
1. Classic - The word classic is associated to timelessness and vintage. This style is exactly inspired by Victorian era dolls, which has simple but elegant dresses.
Photo by Michelle Yao. Licensed under Creative Commons.
2. Sweet - The style that gives justice to cuteness. It's one of the most popular child-like styles.
Photo by John Gillespie. Licensed under Creative Commons.
3. Gothic - Violet and black gives color to this loli style. It usually gives a dark, antiquated and mysterious image.
Photo by Iriseyes at the English language Wikipedia. Licensed under Creative Commons.
4. Country - It's usually associated with the countryside-theme, flowery dresses are in!
Photo by Zomboid. Licensed under Creative Commons.
5. Punk - The eccentric approach to fashion known for years, loli punk is a much lighter way to express the style.
Photo by Rwendland. Licensed under Creative Commons.
6. Hime - The style for our little big princesses.
Photo by Mathilda Samuelsson. Licensed under Creative Commons.
7. Sailor - This could be the sailor we know, or simply make sailor moon as a peg!
8. Wa - This is where the traditional meets the modern style. A kimono transformed into a loli dress.
Photo by Iriseyes from en:wikipedia. Licensed under Creative Commons.
9. Qi - Are you a fan of Chinese designs? This is for you!
10. Erotic - This is what happens when the sexy lingerie is combined with the cuteness of loli.
Photo by chripell from Friuli, Italy. Licensed under Creative Commons.
11. Kuro - Like it all black? Kuro Lolita is your style!
Photo by Mathilda Samuelsson. Licensed under Creative Commons.
12. Shiro - The simplicity and purity of your dress then suggests what's in your heart.
Photo by Mathilda Samuelsson. Licensed under Creative Commons.
13. Pinku - All pink, all girly.
Photo by Mathilda Samuelsson. Licensed under Creative Commons.
14. Mizuiro - Because all baby blue is just so good to the eye.
Photo by Mathilda Samuelsson. Licensed under Creative Commons.
15. Casual - Not all lolita are one-piece-dress. You can wear your skirt and top for a more casual look. This can be a breather if you've been wearing cute outfits everyday.
Photo by Michelle Yao. Licensed under Creative Commons.
16. Steampunk - A new style, steampunk, depicts hip and vintage metal scrap looks.
17. Guro -This one's little grotesque and creepy!
18. Pirate - Hey Lady Pirate, you look cute today!
19. Cosplay - Make a lolita version of your favorite manga character's dress!
20. Military - Feeling like a dangerous woman? Try this one, brave girl!
21. Aristocrat - This one is inspired by the glamour of the French fashion.
22. Otome - This style is what you can often see in the girls in maid cafes. They're actually Otome lolitas!
Here are the brands you must check:
1. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
2. Alice and the Pirates
3. Innocent World
4. Angelic Pretty
5. Jane Marple
6. metamorphose temps de fille
7. Mary Magdalene
8. Victorial Maiden
9. Atelier Pierrot
10. Atelier Boz
11. millefleurs
So, which kawaii are you?