Amid thousands of cute characters in Japan, Sanrio gave birth to an anthropoid, lethargic egg that does only one job-- to idle all day.
Say hello to Gudetama, the lazy egg who's hobby is to complain. And if sleep is a sport, this most unmotivated character will be the champion. His name is combined from the words gudegude (lethargic) and tamago (egg). That's Gudetamago, or Gudetama for short.
Just like you, he also loves bacon, too-- but Gudetama is married to it as his blanket.
The character portrays the opposite of the deep-rooted "workaholic" and Ganbatte (you can do it) attitude of the Japanese we all know.
Like an adult trying to face the hitches of the physical world, Gudetama also faces challenges in his very existence. He is being boiled, fried, beaten, poked, and sliced. Still, he continues to reincarnate and convey his message to the world on being his true self: a simple lazy egg.
Even he's just idling, because he is loved by the Japanese, he has built an egg-cellent cafe in Solamachi under Tokyo Sky Tree, which is already expanding in other major cities in Japan, and even abroad(!) by just being adorably idle and apathetic.
Lesson: no matter what you do, just be good at it, and you can reach success. Like this lazy egg.