The things that make this country sugoi (awesome) and kawaii (cute)? Read on:
1. The place where two of the oldest men lived. Japan has more or less 58,000 centenarians, and two of them are even featured in Guinness World Records, namely, Mizao Okawa (died 117 years old), and Jiroemon Kimura (died 115 years, 253 days old).
2. They have the largest strawberry. The heaviest and definitely the largest strawberry ever recorded weighs 250 g (8.82 oz), which was grown by Koji Nakao.
3. Thousands can sit in one single chair. Sitting in a row could be difficult, but Japan made it! With 2,067 participants, Kobayashi City marked the record on March 19, 2016.
4. They have the shortest escalator. Located in a Department Store in Kawasaki, the shorted escalator has only five steps and goes downward.
5. They have an underground bicycle parking system. Because of space constraints, the Japanese made a super cool underground parking space for bicycles. The coolest part, the machine is operational via coin slots!
6. Home for excellence. Japan has produced 15 Nobel laureates (in chemistry, medicine and physics), 3 Fields medalists and one Gauss Prize laureate. In fact, it is one of the Top 10 countries that has won the most prestigious nobel prize.
7. Japanese experiences an average of 1500 earthquakes a year. But the most amazing part is their fast recovery from disastrous ground shaking. Here an earthquake visualization map video for Japan in 2011, the year the great tsunami happened.
8. They had a company that operated for 14 Centuries. Kongo Gumi, a Japanese temple builder operated since 578, and survived until 2006.
9. They got a highway that passes through a building. The 5th to 7th floor of 16-storey Gate Tower Building in Osaka is occupied by Hanshin Highway.
10. They have the oldest population. In fact, adult diapers sell more in the market than baby diapers.
11. They made the fastest maglev train. A whooping 600 km/hr per hour is the fastest speed ever recorded.