You probably have a Japanese dictionary with you during your trip to Japan, but can really survive? How will you, for example, order in a Japanese restaurant if you can’t read what’s on their menu? Here’s a guide for you on how to order food at a Japanese restaurant.
Entering the restaurant
Most likely, you will be greeted by a cheerful irrashaimase by the staff. The first question they would probably ask you is how many people will be eating and you just have to raise your fingers to the corresponding answer or answer with “yon nin desu” for four people or “go nin desu” for five people and so on. You will then be led to a table and be given a menu. If you cannot read Japanese, you can always ask if they have one in English by saying “eigo no menyuu ga arimasu ka?” which means “Do you have a menu in English?” Most restaurants have an English version of their menu. If you’re lucky, you will immediately be given an English version.
Ordering your food
Drinks will be likely to be served first before anything else. If you want a drink, state what you want then add “onegaishimasu” or “please” at the end to indicate that you are requesting something. This goes the same for ordering food. If you can’t speak any Japanese at all, you can point your desired food on the menu and gesture how many of those do you want and of course, end it with “onegaishimasu” to maintain politeness.
If you want to try the best sellers of the restaurant, you can just tell your server “omakase” which literally translates to “I leave it to you”. Be careful with this though, some restaurants serve their most pricey meals when you choose to leave your decision to them.
To call the attention of your server anytime, just shout, “sumimasen”. Don’t be shy to call them as they are more than happy to serve you.
Paying for your food
To get your bill, just tell your server “okanjou wo onegaishimasu” then they will hand you the bill. Don’t leave your bill in the tray, instead, go up to the cashier on your way out to pay for what you’ve eaten.
Banzai! You already know how to order food at a Japanese restaurant, but be sure you also know the proper etiquette when eating!