In Western countries, The reason for Christmas season is to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. But christmas in Japan is celebrated different than the usual. It is seen as a commercial event and not a religious holiday as there are not many Christians in their country. Therefore, schools and companies are open during that day. Christmas Eve (December 24th) is the center of the event rather than the Christmas Day itself.
You must be wondering, why Japan still celebrates Christmas?
Because Japanese loves celebrations. Even though the real essence of Christmas isn’t observed in Japan, they still spend this day with the special people in their lives which is the common thing about Christmas celebrations all over the world.
Merry Christmas in Japan is “Meri Kurisumasu!”
Here’s how Japan celebrate Christmas:
1. Christmas Chicken and Christmas Cakes
It’s the time where The Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) stores get busy and crowded because
Japanese purchase their Christmas Chicken. Instead of the traditional Turkey, they have Chicken for their dinner. Christmas Cakes are a popular dessert as well.
2. Romantic Celebration for Couples
Christmas Eve is a more special event for the couples. Taking night walks while watching the Christmas lights and having dinner over fancy restaurants. Couples also exchange gifts to signify their love for each other.
3. Gift Giving
Basically, this culture of giving gifts in Christmas Day was adopted by Japanese from the Westerners and is still being practiced today. Parents give presents to their children. In the company, employers give presents to their bosses. There’s also the presence of Santa Claus (Santa San) giving small treats to the children.
Although Christmas in Japan is not really a sacred event to them, Japanese still celebrate with their family to make memories together. When you go to Japan during the Christmas season, be sure to line up for your Christmas Chicken and Christmas Cake.