In congested cities, no big trees are allowed to dwell in busy commercial spaces. These areas are too limited to grow a garden, so the ancient Japanese miniature version of trees, called the bonsai, will surely come in handy.
There are a lot of versions on how the bonsai replicates the wonders of landscapes into dishes or pots. There is the ikebana (flower arrangement) and the saikei (ornamental miniature landscape). The latter ornament is usually confused with Bbnsai.
The tiniest form of trees, artfully grown, is called "mame". The bonsai usually measures only around an inch high, perfectly fitting into the palm of your hands. Some also measure six inches tall up to one foot.
These small woody perennials could live either indoor or outdoor. Choosing the plant for your bonsai must also be appropriate on the climate where the tree will be grow, especially if you intend to grow an outdoor bonsai.
A more serious gardener would choose to grow the trees from seeds. It is also good to grow bonsai from pruned cuttings from branches of a dying tree or brought from horticulturists.
Grow your bonsai now! You may fail at the beginning, but with fervor and patience, you'll be amazed by what your green fingers can do!