Christmas is the season of love, joy and kindness. The Japanese has well-defined Christmas Eve as a romantic time for couple to spend time together and exchange presents. However, Christmas can be celebrated with your other loved ones as well. It would be a great holiday if you will binge-watch these 4 best animes of all time with your siblings this Christmas!
Tokyo Godfathers
Miyuki, Gin and Hans: three homeless people.
They often celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas Eve, by shifting through garbage. However, this year was different.
As they were doing their normal routine, they were surprised to find a life in there: an abandoned baby. Without knowing how or why the baby got inside the trash, the trio decided to keep the little one for the meantime, until they find the child’s parents. They soon discovered a key with the baby, and from then, the adventures of tracking down the parents begin.
Itsudatte My Santa!
Due to the parents’ quirkiness, they named their new-born child, “Santa,” because he was born on Christmas Eve. Growing up, Santa quite frankly loathed everything related to Christmas, because of his name. However, everything changed when she met a girl named “Mai,” whose been practicing to be an actual Santa. The cold-hearted guy named “Santa,” who hated Christmas, suddenly found himself enjoying the Christmas season, thanks to the unending kindness of a girl who wanted to be “Santa.”
Chocotto Sister
Young boy Haruma Kawagoe eagerly wanted to have a little sister. Unfortunately, his mother suffered miscarriage, which was followed by a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus). Because of this, his mother could no longer bear a child. Because he really wanted a baby sister, he asked Santa for it. A few years later, a woman flying with a motorbike claimed that she was a female Santa, and “granted” his wish. Yes, the female Santa brought him a little sister, in the name of Choco.
Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve
Keitaro, a boy desperate to getting into Tokyo University, heard about a rumor that if you declared your love on the first Christmas of the millenium, then your dream will come true. Because he had already been taking the same test over and over again, he decided to give it a shot. Despite having the examination on the same day as Christmas, he confessed his love to a girl named Naru. However, it turned out that he was not the only one confessing to her on Christmas Eve.
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year by spending it with your closest family, loved ones and friends. Spread the love with these 4 best animes of all time to watch this Christmas.
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