As a traveler, it is important to know what the taboos and accepted norms are in the place you will visit. What may be accepted in your home country may be rude in your destination, and vise versa. This is also a form of respect for the customs of the Japanese people.
Here are some quick tips you must read before heading to Japan to save you from a major faux pas.
1. Do not eat while walking in the streets. This is a major no-no in Japan. They respect the food and the people walking in the streets, so you have to keep that burger in your bag and eat it in the proper place. Don't chew gums while walking, too.
2. Do not give a tip. Save money and save yourself from a major mess. When you eat in a restaurant, don't give that extra yen to express your appreciation for an excellent service.
3. Do not dress like a geisha. Unless you wanted to be an eye-catcher, do not dress and have your face painted like a geisha and be seen in public. But, you can wear yukata or kimono in proper occassions or places.
4. Do not eat in public transport. It'll make people annoyed if they smell pizza or burger inside trains. Just don't.
5. Do not do Public Display of Affection. While in western countries, it is accepted, in Japan, Public Display of Affection (especially kissing) is awkward and weird to do. Consider privacy.
6. Do not blow your nose loudly. Stop it while you can or else many eyes will get into you.
7. Do not eat ramen quietly, instead, slurp it! It is considered rude , especially to the chef who cooked your bowl of noodles, if you don't slurp it. The louder the slurp, the more delicious it means. Slurping also cools the noodle.
8. Do not consume food or drink before paying on supermarket counter. Considering # 1, you must also pay the food or drink before devouring what you've bought.
9. Do not talk on the phone while in subway trains. Japan is such a quiet nation and if you caught yourself talking alone inside the busy train, a subtle warning would tell you to observe silence.
10. Do not walk with your shoes inside ryokan, houses or in temples and shrines. We already know that you know this. Just a reminder.
11. Do not spit and urinate anywhere you like. You can sleep anywhere in Japan, so it's just rude to do these things that destroy cleanliness.
12. Do not share germs. It's considered rude if you don't wear mask if you have a not-so-serious air-borne illness.
13. Do not throw garbage anywhere. There are no trash cans in the streets, so you have to keep that little litter in your bag or pocket.
14. Do not hug a person you just met. Even if you want to, because you are so happy to finally have a Japanese friend, just don't do it.
15. Do not be rude. Even if you are a foreigner, they won't treat you somewhat like high-maintainance or special. But they are very friendly. Just don't be rude if someone stepped or bumped on you. Don't forget to always smile.