When fast food and convenience stores aren't fast and convenient enough...
There are five million vending machines ("jidouhanbaiki" or just simply "jihanki") dispersed in streets that will save you just in case you need a quick relief for your crepe cravings, a cup of coffee to awaken you, or you just need a can of refreshment.
These are just normal things that pops out of the machine, but there are some surprising things that you wouldn't think will be put in a jihanki. Read on as we list some of the rarest and weirdest things these vending machines in Japan can offer.
1. Gold
Yep, it must be a tough vending machine!
Photo: Bloomberg
2. Cars
Smart Car Vending machine is really a unique sales idea, yet a huge risk!
Photo: xpatnation.com
3. Uncooked Rice
It's like a huge rice dispenser. Two kilos of Japonica rice, please! *rice pops out*
Photo: Photobucket
4. Lettuce
Healthy is coming so close to people. It looks fresh. Diet, anyone?
Photo: Hongkiat
5. Banana
For the Japanese love for bananas.
Photo: NBC News
6. Eggs
Eggs are extremely fragile and perishable, so they created another model for vending machines.
Photo: Flickr
7. Cold Draft Beer
They loved beer in tin cans, how much more for this cold draft beer? Kampai!
Photo: Screenshot from Youtube
8. Canned Bread
Canned bread. Yeah, you've read it right.
Photo: Tokyo Times Blog
9. Batteries
Need battery replacement? This battery jihanki will rescue.
Photo: NY Daily News
10. Bouquet of Flowers
Fresh flowers for your loved ones! Surely, it'll be empty during the White Day...
Photo: naomipollock.blogspot.com
11. Eye glasses
Just in case you lost your eyeglasses or you forgot bringing one, here's a quick help.
Photo: Shift East
12. Pocket books
Long travel? Here's some pocket books to wash away your boredom.
Photo: Pinterest
13. Umbrellas
Umbrella Vending machine is just a simple idea, but extremely useful.
Photo: kuriositas.com
14. Fermented soy beans or Natto
This smelly Japanese food is extremely healthy! It's a quick find in a vending machine or konbini.
Photo: Japan Dreaming
15. All fast foods! (Hot Menu Vending Machines)
Hungry and craving for fries? It's definitely a must try!
Photo: Flickr