If it’s your first visit or vacation, chances are you’ll go shopping in a nearby mall, grocery or convenience store. Japan is known for its convenience stores such as the brands - 7-eleven, Lawson and Ministop. Shop assistants would greet you with Irasshaimase! (Welcome!)
You can withdraw Japanese yen from ATMs of local and foreign banks at convenience stores and posts offices. Credit and debit cards are also used such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and JCB.
Here are some of the Japanese phrases and words that are handy when going shopping.
Searching and asking for a specific size
Searching and asking for a specific size
Excuse me, I’m looking for ______, do you have it / them?
Sumimasen ___ o sagashiterun desu ga, arimasu ka?
みません、___を探しているん ですが、ありますか?
Excuse me, do you have __________?
sumimasen, ___________arimasu ka?
すみません、_______ ありますか?
May I have another bag
Fukuro wo mou ichi mai moraemasu ka?
Do you have a new one?
Atarashii no arimasu ka?
I am looking for _______
O sagashite imasu.
は あります か
Can I try it on?
Kore, shichaku shitemo ii desu ka?
Do you have__________?
Wa arimasu ka?
は あります か
I will take this.
Kore o onegaishimasu.
これ を おねがいします
Which size is this?
Kono saizu wa nandesu ka?
の サイズ は なんです か
Do you have a bigger size?
Koreyorimo chiisai saizu arimasu ka?
Where're the changing rooms?
shi cha kushi tsu wa doko desu ka?
Where’s the mirror?
kagami wa doko desu ka?
かがみはどこですか? |
I would like to try it on.
Kite mite mo ii desu ka?
きて みて も いい です か
How much does it cost?
Ikura desu ka?
いくら です か
I Would like to buy this
Kore kaitai desu
これ 買いたいです。 これ かいたいです
Thank you. Can I pay with a card? Is it okay to use my card?
Note: This is the response to それは5,000円になります
(sore wa 5 , 000 en ni narimasu)
That will be 5, 000 yen, please.
arigatōgozaimasu . kādo de haratte īdesu ka ?
ありがとうございます。カードで払っていいですか?/ありがとうございます。かーどで はらって いいですか?
I don’t have enough money
Okanega tarinai
お金が 足りない、おかねが たりない
It’s too expensive for me.
Watashi ni wa taka sugi masu
I’ll pay by card, please.
Kaado de onegai shimasu.
Seeking an Exchange or Refund
I’d like a refund.
I’d like an exchange
kōkan o onegaishimasu.