The Datsun Sports, also known as the Datsun Fairlady in Japan and Australia, is part of the series of cars created by Nissan in the 1960s. This was the first model of the Z-car in the Fairlady line. Upon its release, a lot of car companies seemed to follow this lead, producing vehicles like the Honda S500, the Toyota Sports 800, Daihatsu Compagno and other competitor models. In 1991, Nissan created a limited edition two-door convertible luxury sports car, in the image of the Datsun Sports. They called it the Nissan Figaro.
Photo by Andrew90. Licensed under Creative Commons. (
Tags: cars, datsun sports, nissan, datsun fairlady sports, australia, japan, vintage car, nissan figaro, honda s500, toyota sports 800, daihatsu compagno
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