In Japan, Samoyed dogs are also popular as a dog breed. They are also called Shirokuma Samoyeds. Because of their friendly disposition, Samoyeds are great as loyal, playful, sociable dogs (Inu in Japanese) for children and adults but not as guard dogs. They also enjoy biking, walking, running and playing. The dog is also bred to pull carts and as working dogs. Sometimes they are also confused with another Japanese spitz which is smaller in size.
Samoyeds are also known for their "Sammy smile characterized by upturned corners of the dog's mouth.
Their friendly temperament came from their closeness to the Nenetsky or Samoyede people who bred and raised the dog breed. They herd reindeers, protect the Samoyed people and pull sleds.
Height: 7 inches to 2 feet and 1 foot
Weight: 50-60 pounds
Lifespan: 12 - 14 years
Photo by Alexander Patrikeev
Licensed by Creative Commons
Tags: Animals, Dog, Breed, Samoyeds, Animal, dogs, sociable dogs, Friendly dogs, Samoyed, Dog breeds
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